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What are the Dangers of fears to Destiny, see 27 List

Fear is an uncontrollable emotion caused by a perceived danger or threat. 

However, danger needs not to be perceived before fear sets into the lives of many individuals. Fear has done a lot of harm to the destinies of brave and gallant  men, who never achieved anything in life.

In this article we will focus of the danger of fear and in the next we will focus on how to overcome fear in real sense.
What are the dangers of fear?

Pumps emotional imbalance
Paralysis the mind and heart
Causes failure
Upholds death
Sponsor poverty
Steal proofs
Decide direction
Dethrone success
Fires complain
Promote limitation
Encourage stagnation
Bound destiny
Creates fallacy
Supports weakness
Dissect vision
Demoralize will
Is a discourager
Fuels error
Enslave desire
Produces illusion
Is a waster
Enslaves the heart
Strangulate achievements
Limits passion
Wastes time
Hijacks purpose of existence
Buries one before time

These are some of the dangers of fear, it kills before death comes. Be wise and never allow fear makes you a slave in destiny.

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